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Showing posts from February 17, 2013

How a freelancer makes his portfolio site without costing!

Create a nice portfolio to win a grand project from a valuable buyer If you are a freelancer, you must create a portfolio website to show your previous skills/projects to before your targeted clients or buyers. It is easy to make a portfolio website for freelancer workers of odesk or  I am sure that you think it will cut your wallet. But a different option is available in your hand to make it without any cost. Let see how to create a portfolio website free! what is portfolio:   At first y ou need to know what is portfolio. a portfolio is a showcase of previous works made by someone. It is used to catch clients eye and i t also give first knowledge about a firm to the targeted viewers.  Usually it contains owners name, profile, photos, team information and previous done projects.   Making portfolio:  There are  5 steps to create a portfolio freely. here given instructions. Register a domain name from a...

How to find who have unfriend you from facebook

It is learned that you can see the list of unfriend Sometimes your friends can unfriend you from their facebook account. But you did not know this occurrence . Keep silence and see other friends. And you can identify that who have unfriend you. Just follow this trick. 1. You have to use a software to know that. Download it from and install it. 2. and if your browser is Mozilla Firfox you may install an extra software. just click on this link to download it now install it.

How To See YouTube Videos Easily, while it is banned!

You can use youtube while it is blocked by IP or your government or youtube. Youtube blocked in your country! or youtube blocked your IP address! so you can not use youtube! but you feel you are missing something in youtube, sometimes watching youtube would be necessary! no problem, We have a solution to solve these unexpected problems. Just follow this instruction- First of all you  have to flush your DNS cache on your local machine (PC). then set a DNS server’s to other than your ISP’s DNS servers like yahoo or google  DNS servers ( and ). and use secure socket layer for normal browsing

How to create a great CV

A nice curriculum vitae is a mater to hunt a job. It is called that A good CV is a looking glass for one when a lot of CV in employers desk. OK know h ow to write a successful CV before applying for a job. There is no perfect template to make good CV, and each sector may require a different emphasis on a different aspect of the content, such as career history or qualifications. 3 basics on CV writing: There are some basic rules on how a CV should be written.  and what information  should be included on a CV. experts suggest that- 1. Simple Typography: You should put the simple typography in your CV, when you write it. You can use black and white color. but not red or other solid colors. and No drawing in the CV.

How to start earning online

A man can start business through online, it is so easy. You can earn money from internet applying following three ways: 1. bloging 2. by info site 3. freelance. Blog :  in the blog site you will share your opinion to others it is like face book wall writing. You can open a blog from blogspot or word press. Although you have had it free, but you will be prevented from some

How Larry gained Indian stock market?

This is Larry who is a succeed trader in the Indian stock market in his computer room When Larry is child he dreamed he has lots of money. At last He gained money from stock market in India. Recently he has explored his experience in his website    Larry was a good student in school & college life. And he was at home in Accounting and math. So he made himself as a good trader of capital market. He can tell a story about his success. It is a nice matter for him.   In 1997 to 1998 he started his business in India trade house.  At first he lost his capital due to his amateur stage. After some days he could overcome his lacings. Now he is an owner of big money. This is an amount of million    dollars.