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The Kid is a good movie by Charlie Chaplin

Charlie Chaplin's 'The Kid' movie is one of the best. The move was made 1921 early time of movie technology. Movie making techniqes of the kid is very higher. 

Charlie Chaplin in his movie 'The Kid'
The movie now in Youtube, you can watch it. It has a good fiction. But it is not a modern movie. It is 'talk less' movie.

Story: A mom put her baby in a car. Car was stolen by rob. They fall the baby in dumping place. Chaplin saw the baby lying. He tried to reach the baby to its mom. but he can not do it.
He wanted to escape from it, but he could not. He felt kind to the baby. He started to foster the kid. After 5 years baby helped Charlie in his work. Charlie loved baby.

At one stage baby were ill. Doctor ask charlie, who is the father? Chaplin disclosed true. Orphanage group tried to pull baby to institution for extra care after baby. But they failed in prohibiting by Charlie and the baby. That night Charlie rent a bed in a boarding for spent night. 

The owner of the boarding, after reading an advertisement about baby by its mom with the help of country doctor seeing a surprisingly letter, has stolen the kid and handed over it  to the court. That mom return back her kid from the kid.

The cinema is very funny but with much emotion. Thanks to Charlie Chaplin for this Good Work. The Kid was producing, directing and starring by Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin was British. Jackie Coogan was starring as The Kid ("John"). He starred very nice.

Written by Jisan Al Jubair


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